External compass based on chip *other than* HMC5883?

Does the current Px4 firmware/Mission Planner SW support using an external compass based on magnetometer chips other than the obsolete HMC5883?

As I understand, the Px4 has an internal magnetometer based on the LSM303D (which is not obsolete). Ideally, I would like to use an LSM303D based external magnetometer connected to the Px4 via the I2C bus.

Would the firmware/SW recognize and set up the right protocol?

Would two LSM303Ds (one in the body of the Px4 and one in the external compass) create some problem?

Anyone have experience using a different external chip?

Copter 3.5.4-rc1 08-Nov-2017
Changes from 3.5.3

  1. Compass improvements:
    a) support added for QMC5883L, LIS3MDL, IST8310


Thanks for the info and quick reply. If I could ask you to entertain another question:
Clearly the current SW supports the LSM303D (since it is on the PX4) as the internal compass…Will it “find” a second LSM303D mounted externally talking I2C and properly set it up and use it for an external compass? TIA.