Esc error communicating with autopilot

Question. I’m trying to get bdshot set up correctly but every few motor tests, a motor will spin 3-4 times and mission planner will give an error saying there was a problem communicating with the autopilot. It’s not always the same motor and not every motor test. Seems odd. Any ideas?

I’m running 4.3.5 stable on Cube+ w/bdshot. Blheli_32

Seems to only happen after being connected to blhelisuite without a power cycle. In other words, if I disconnect from blhelisuite and reconnect to mission planner, there seems to be some sort of problem.

After using blhelisuite and disconnecting usb & battery, everything seems to work correctly after being powered back up.

That sounds like expected behavior. If you use BlHeliSuite, you must cycle power to the ESC, particularly after making changes.

Did not know that. Thank you.