Ego Z6 Autonomous Mower Conversion

I’m with you on that Max. It’s always very difficult to follow someone else’s code and my background is in hardware so my code tends to be thrown together in a way that works for me.

Leichen is right that using an external transceiver is simpler, but I enjoyed the challenge of getting this working with the minimum of external components. Since the hall emulator only needs to transmit we don’t actually need a transceiver but it would be a better solution if reception is added for decoding other messages. I got around this by attaching the UART receiver to just the D+ signal, which works fine, but an external transceiver would offer better noise protection.

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Same here, I really appreciate you sharing your experience and explaining every details.
Actually, if I didn’t see your post I would probably not even try converting the z6 mower.
It’s been a huge inspiration and help. Thank you and keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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On a different note, after comparing a couple of different models, it seems this 485 works the best for me. For anyone who might be interested.

After filtering out known messages types, I found two new ones: 0A and 10

20:32:36.751 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:32:41.807 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:33:01.339 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFEFFF800122678F0
20:33:01.991 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:33:12.083 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:33:17.701 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FEFAFFF900340E8017
20:33:20.781 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FEF3FFFF001126109E
20:33:27.241 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:33:28.335 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFEFFF8001326C2E0
20:33:29.782 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFBFFF8001326B9C8
20:33:44.447 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFEFFF8001226D0F8
20:33:45.603 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FEF2FFFA00374E1E3C
20:33:46.748 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFBFFFB001226DFFC
20:33:49.947 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FEF3FFFA00120610FC
20:34:06.379 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFDFFFF0013269285
20:34:14.682 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FFFBFFFB001326227F
20:34:17.806 ->   Message: 55AA0A1300171E121E0070001600
20:34:24.498 ->   Message: 55AA100E08FEFEFFF9001126F7FE

Not sure if anyone here has decoded these two types?

Interesting, I have never seen those message types. They might be error messages from something you’ve taken apart.