Drone with optical flow and barometer out of control after raising to about 3.5m

Hi guys, I am working on my drone with speedybeef405v3 flight controller with no gps, only barometer and optical flow for indoor fly. My drone can hover with flowhold mode at the height of about 2.5m. After raising the drone to 3.5m, it starts to have more vibration and slowly going further up, no response when throttle down and keep raising until about 15m height and crash the ceiling. Does anyone encounter similar problem? Any suggestion for it? (Log will be attached at the below)

Update to ArduCopter 4.5.7 and attach the .bin log file.

Thank you for your reply. Here is the updates.
Below is the log file.
latest version ardupilot firmware

Other than that, I have changed to
ArduCopter 4.5.7 and it shows EK3_lMU_Stop Aiding.
Below is the log file for 4.5.7.
4.5.7 firmware with ek3_imu_stop aiding