Drone Not Taking Off with ArduPilot


I’m facing an issue with my drone not taking off after switching to ArduPilot. Previously, it was flying perfectly with INAV. Below are the details of my setup and the connections I’ve made, along with what I’ve tried so far.


HR0686 F450 Drone Chassis
HR0687 Glass Fiber Highten Landing Gear Kit
HS2638 1045 Nylon Propeller
HS2637 2212 920KV Brushless Motor
SpeedyBee F405 V4 BLS 55A 30x30 FC&ESC Stack
Gens Ace G-tech Soaring 3300mAh 11.1V 30C 3S1P LiPo Battery Pack (XT90 Plug)
Ublox Neo 7M GPS
FlySky FS-A8S Receiver
FlySky FS-i6 Transmitter
Camera Module Based on ESP32 with ESP32-CAM-MB Adapter
XT-60 Female to XT-90 Male Adapter


ESP32-CAM Module → SpeedyBee F405 V4

5V (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> 5V (ESP32-CAM Module)

G (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> GND (ESP32-CAM Module)

R3 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> U0T (ESP32-CAM Module)

T3 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> U0R (ESP32-CAM Module)

Ublox Neo 7M GPS → SpeedyBee F405 V4

4V5 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> VCC (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

G (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> GND (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

SDA (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> SDA (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

SCL (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> SCL (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

R6 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> TXD (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

T6 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> RXD (Ublox Neo 7M GPS)

FlySky FS-A8S → SpeedyBee F405 V4

4V5 (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> VCC (FlySky FS-A8S)

G (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> GND (FlySky FS-A8S)

SBUS (R2) (SpeedyBee F405 V4) -> i-BUS/S.BUS (FlySky FS-A8S)

When using INAV, the drone took off without issues after setup. Now, with ArduPilot, I’ve completed the setup in both Mission Planner and QGroundControl (in different sessions to rule out setup issues), but the drone won’t take off when I throttle up. The motors rotate correctly, two in CCW and two in CW directions, and I’ve ensured the propellers are mounted properly based on tutorials I watched.

  • I’m wondering if the motors/propellers might be pushing air in the wrong direction.
  • In Mission Planner, I noticed the motors were numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, but I didn’t pay much attention to the numbering since I alternated CCW and CW. Could this be causing the issue?
  • Additionally, could the issue be that some of my tests were done with the battery not being fully charged?

What might be causing this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Yes, that is the issue. And BTW the correct order is A, B, C, D. Not 1, 2, 3, 4. And yes, they are different.

Yes that could also be it.

To solve all these and other potential issues use: Correctly configure ArduPilot for your vehicles on your first attempt | MethodicConfigurator

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I have a question as I run the ArduPilot methodic configurator.

Are the New Values ​​the program sets, when I switch from one param file to another, the best for the drone specs, based on the hardware I entered? Or should I change them at my discretion?

I changed some, for example, for the remote controller, but some settings, for example, for esp, I don’t have that much knowledge.

Thanks again in advance for the help!

The tool guides you in the process:

  • grey parameters → Do not change them. They are necessary for the process to work. These are automated by the data you entered in the component editor window.
  • white parameters → learn them, do not ignore them. Think about them, read their documentation by moving the mouse over the parameter name, read the documentation open in the browser, then change them and explain why you changed them in the "change reason " field.
  • light blue → the parameter has a default value. This is sometimes a bad sign, sometimes a good sign, depends on the parameter. For PID parameters this is bad. For other parameters is neutral.

This is not A fully automated process. You DO NEED TO MANUALLY do what I described above!!!

No. Only the grey ones are like that.

You must change them after learning what they do!

That is the reason, the tool feeds you the relevant documentation for you to read. Removing the need for you to go searching for it.


I have another question.
If I don’t get to finish all the parameters chapters, can I close the program and when I reopen the program select the file and continue modifying the next parameter set?
When I reopen the program, Im going to click on the “Open Last Used Vehicle Configuration Directory”


yes, that is the correct way of doing it.

As can be seen in the image, the BATT_ARM_VOLT parameter is set to 15.7 and cannot be changed. But this volt value is higher than what I would like it to be (around 14V), since the battery I have in the drone is 3300mAh 14.8V 30C 4S1P LiPo.

Is there a way to change this variable from within the methodic configurator?
Can I do it after completing from the mission planner?

Note: I hit delete parameter as I thought it might let me change it, but all it did was move the variable to the end of the list, nothing more.

Thanks again in advance!

Yes, the voltage limits are set per cell in the component editor window → battery cell voltage specifications.

Please do not do that, correct it in the component editor window.

Yes, you are supposed to change it in only one place, the component editor window battery specifications. This avoids having multiple places to change something and enforces consistency to prevent miss-configuration errors.

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While I was at step 6.9 configuring the “Mandatory Hardware” parameters in ArduPilot using the Methodic Configurator, since I had to complete this step in Mission Planner, I decided to proceed with the ESC configuration using BLHeliSuite32, as I hadn’t attempted this before. During this process, when I connected and clicked “Read Setup,” I received the following errors:

  • esc#1: bootloader "d" #100 seems not valid for BLHeli_32 (i got this message for esc#1,2,3,4).
  • At the end, the message appeared: Error One or more BLHeli/BLHeli_S 8Bit ESC found. BLHeliSuite32 is only intended to be used with BLHeli_32 type ESCs.

I realized that I probably should have used BLHeliSuite instead of BLHeliSuite32. I downloaded BLHeliSuite (BLHeliSuite16714903), and when I connected the FC via USB and the battery, I didn’t notice any difference to allow me to connect. So, I saw that I could flash the BLHeli_S firmware using the ESC Configurator.

Next, I went to the web app of the ESC Configurator to fix the issue, but it only showed ESC 3 and 4 out of the 4in1 I have.

Initially, I flashed the BlueJay firmware on the ESCs, but then I changed it and installed the BLHeli_S firmware. However, it still doesn’t recognize all the ESCs, which is concerning.

I am a bit lost in the process and worried that the changes I made through the web configurator might have affected the system’s functionality.

What should I do next to resolve the ESC issues and proceed with the ArduPilot setup?
Should I just continue configuring the mandatory hardware through Mission Planner?

Thanks again in advance and sorry for the mess that I have done.

Because I got the error from the BLHeliSuite32 app, I then looked on the web for a solution and I saw this article:


Do you think you may have enter into this situation?

Attention Bluejay users!
If you are still on 0.20.0, please upgrade to version 0.21.0 - there have been issues with stall detection and motor protection which might result in broken ESCs and/or motors.

The ESC default ESC firmware is BLHeli_S J-H-40.

Now that I reconnected the fc-esc stack and went back to the esc configurator, pressing the “read setting” button, the program read and showed me all 4 escs (somehow magically/I really didn’t change anything before I made the post). As can be seen in the picture, it shows all 4 escs, as well as their firmware (J-H-40 - BLHeli_S, 16.7).

What is the next step?

Thank you very much in advance.

Check out what is the motor PWM range supported, not sure about your ESC firmware, some said can leave the range to the default for BLHeli_32.

Configure Ardupilot to the dshot digital protocol.

Then, without propeller, check the spin direction and order. Change the spin direction via hardware or software if needed.

If everything okay, follow and do those Configurator steps missed.

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So do u think I dont need to set the PPM min/max throttle in the esc-config?
Im going to set them as you said in the post(1100-1940μs) and see.

Also when Im done, I need to write settings, right?

And the PWM I set it from Mission Planner, right?

I can do that through Mission Planner, correct? Even though Im sure that I configured it through the methodic configurator.

Only step 12 is done in MP.
All other steps are done in AMC

But should I write the settings from the esc config?

And also I dont understand the use of the BLHeliSuite16714903. I see that it is to configure the escs.

No, digital Dshot ESC protocol, auto communicate between FC and ESC

It is to tell the ESC what type of motor you have connected or used.
MP or AMC is to tell FC what type of ESC is connected or used, motor test order and spin direction.

ESC sits between FC and motors.

You can also consider change to Ardupilot bdshot firmware if your FC supported it for the ease of harmonic notch filter suppressing.

I finally found the problem with BLHeliSuite, but now another problem occurs when I go to connect to the program.

It shows me the following: Please connect ESC and power up (cycle power), which from what I understand does not recognize that the esc is connected.

Maybe it doesn’t recognize it because it doesn’t have the firmware?

  1. Could it be solved if I go to esc-configurator, do “Write Settings” to make it save the flash of J-H-40 - BLHeli_S, 16.7 and then connect to BLHeliSuite?

  2. Should I install BLHeli Configurator since it is a new version of BLHeliSuite?

Thanks again in advance for the help!

I assume you connect your PC to flight controller.
You need to setup ESC pass through on your FC. Then use BLHeliSuite via FC to read the existing ESC configuration or change the ESC configuration. Make backup before changes. Don’t use MP to connect, make sure is disconnected. Also if you have hardware safely switch installed (BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT), you need to trigger it, mot_safe_disarm,0. Please ensure propeller is NOT installed.

The baudrate should be equal to Serial0 baudrate.

I’m a bit confused with the quad X diagram from the Ardupilot. I don’t understand why do we use 1,2,3,4 and why A,B,C,D.

Also as u see in the second image the SPEEDYBEE_BLS55A says on top 1,2,3,4.

I don’t understand which ESC controls which motor, so I can set the correct motor direction in the BLHeliSuite.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Use the QuadX betaflight motor order then.

ABCD vs 1234 is because ArudPIlot can be used on very many configurations and set ups. ABCD is related to the motor test function and always starts in the same place and goes around in the same direction. Motor numbers 1234… can change based on physical configuration of the drone.

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