i am using pixhawk 2.4.8 with respberry pi 5 through serial communicationn with tlemetery port 1. i have done calibration through ardupilot and using pymavlink library for control during flight all the pre arm checks were clear and it take of to certain height and was working fine but after 3 to 4 min of flight while moving it disarmed in mid air and all motor stopped suddenly and crashed the time was 12:22 . i am attaching the flight log kindly help me to resolve that issue log.BIN - Google Drive
The disarm reason was (AUXSWITCH)
When drone motors stoped and crashed it didn’t call RTL
if the vehicle is disarmed why it’s supposed to go into RTL. I guess the main issue that must be investigated, why AUXSWITCH flag appeared
If you defined any RCx as a disarm switch then it could happened by wrongly switching to it. I can see a very similar issue here 4.1.2 RTL disarm in the air - #9 by tridge