Downfacing lidar can be used for landing

Hi @rickyg32 ,
Did you disable obstacle avoidance for the downward facing lidar? Is there any parameter to disable it only for the downward facing LiDAR ? If the obstacle avoidance is on, how does it land when it is very close to the ground ? Doesn’t it simply avoid the ground ? I am just confused a bit. It would be great if you can help me out .

Raj Patel

we use tf mini lidar downfacing to flight indoors and the obstacle avoidance its always on, we cant turn off

if you flight above any obstacle, the drone lifts this distance.

yo know how to turn off this feature?

we only use a lidar to make a stable flight without the baro oscilations, but we dont need the obstacle avoidance

you can do this with a lua script, just set a switch to change the downwards facing rangefinder maximum range parameter to something very small like 3cm so its ignored by the proximity.