Does MavProxy NTRIP work at all?

I’ve scoured the internet and read all the posts here on using the MavProxy NTIP module, but I just can’t seem to get it to work. I don’t see any error messages in Mavproxy (although I have no idea how to see any sort of debug messages), but when I run ntrip status I get ntrip: no data. I know I’ve set the proper caster address, port, mountpoint, username, password, and started the module like I’m supposed to.

I am running my own ZED-F9P base station with NTRIP caster using GitHub - Stefal/rtkbase: Your own GNSS base station for RTK localization with a Web GUI. I know the NTRIP caster is working perfectly because I have no problem connecting to it via Mission Planner. I’ve also tried using a few other NTRIP casters (all of which work perfectly in MP) but not a single one works.

Everything runs great in MP, but I really want to move to using MavProxy on my companion computer so I don’t have to boot up a ground station every time.

Before I start to pick apart the python source code and start to debug, does anybody have any tricks to getting it to run? Thanks!

I tried for a while but gave up.

Instead, I have the companion computer feed the F9P on a different UART using str2str from the rtklib.

I’ve checked with a local online service and appears to work fine with my HERE3 GPS:

module load ntrip
ntrip set caster
ntrip set port 443
ntrip set username ******
ntrip set password ********
ntrip set mountpoint GNGN00AUS0
ntrip start
ntrip status

The ntrip: no data indicates that it hasn’t been able to connect to the NTRIP caster

I just tried the same and had immediate success:

module load ntrip
ntrip set caster
ntrip set port 2101
ntrip set username
ntrip set password none
ntrip set mountpoint MOUNTPOINT
ntrip start

Replace email and mountpoint with your own info. RTK2Go accepts “none” as a valid password (does not require one for public access but does require valid email).

So I actually found the problem, and just submitted a PR for it here Adding support for NTRIP Rev1 Servers by jheising · Pull Request #1440 · ArduPilot/MAVProxy · GitHub.

I was also never able to get it to work with PointPerfect, but I think that is because PP uses SPARTN messages and not RTCM.

I was also never able to get it to work with Haven’t had a chance to check yet, but my guess is it’s the same reason as rtkbase.

But I definitely know now why it doesn’t work with RTKbase and it’s because of an incompatibility in MavProxy with some NTRIP servers. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the same reason that it’s hit and miss with a lot of people.