DJI Battery Support [CLOSED]

Topic: DJI Battery Support

Proposal type: Software [] , Other[]

Description: I have already integrated and using DJI battery(tested and working with Phantom3, Phantom4 and Mavic Batttery, need to test other models) along with ardupilot, that can be connected with Serial Port with ardupilot and show battery voltage and percentage currently (Can read each cell voltage too but the feature not available in ardupilot), Is there any legal issues to add that in ardupilot Master ? can I proceed with Pull request as usual?

Estimated time for completion: NA

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Interesting, but single cell voltage is supported by Ardupilot

Pull requests welcome, as they say!

ArduPilot is a GPLv3 project - that license is scattered here, there and
everywhere :slight_smile:

This is very interesting please share more.


This isn’t really a proposal, so I’m closing it.

You are always free to open a pull request, it will then be analyzed and accepted, rejected or changes asked. I think there will be many people excited about this, so I’m sure it won’t go unnoticed.


ArduPilot Funding Committee

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