Hi, first of all, I need to congratulate all the devs on this wonderful project that is changing the word. With that being said, I also need to emphasize that sometimes I am as dumb as a rock. One of these times I decided to place an arm disarm switch exactly near the RTL switch so today I activated it by mistake and here I am, with around 150 euros worth in repairs if I wanna fly that hexa again. Now, me being dumb is no news for me but … I need to ask a question. Would it be wise to lock disarm by software while in the air? I mean, for idiots like me, to just haptic the Taranis and show a “Cannot disarm while in the air” error message? I mean, why would disarming in the air be needed anyway? I saw on Youtube that sometimes it happens by accident, without user intervention, sometimes an idiot like me places a switch in a too easy to press zone of the remote and shit happens. So I gotta ask this …
For racers you want to be able to disarm in the air. This is why there is an interlock option - you can set it up so that you need to use two switches to disarm
Please, do tell more …
Racers stop spinning, like throtle 0, while still armed, if we are talking about turtle, disarming, not sure …
Only disarming when throttle is zero seems like a useful improvement to me. We effectively already do this for the stick controls, but could be added to the switch option
Exactly, it should be an option like in Betaflight, but it should definitely be available. Don´t get me wrong, DJI does not do it, I could disarm my Mavic at 250m and try to recover it before ground, but that was me young and restless, not a good example. Since Ardu is used by 25 kg octacopters over cities, in some legislations, I see a good option that “Disarm only when THR 0”
There are two types of drone pilots…
Those that have accidentally disarmed midair
Those that are lying
I only did it once, because I now use one of the rotary knobs to arm / disarm.