Disappearing image on Dji 03 [solved - poor power management]

Hello everyone!
I have the problem: installed Dji o3 on FC Matek H743 Slim, soldered on UART1 (serial2), did all the settings. But, I only see the OSD settings, the screen is black…A video may appear once in ten, but it is random. Dji o3 tested on another drone that is tuned to Betaflight, modules work without problems. Maybe someone has encountered this and can help?
Sorry for my English

I have the same setup and works perfect on my Matek H743 Slim. I followed this guide. Link . Mind you… I used a external BEC to power the O3.

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Thank you! The problem is solved! What happened: Since the quadcopter has a serial battery connection, the Vbat port gave too much voltage, the unit O3 went into protection. I soldered it to 12 volts and everything worked. I agree that it is better to use BEC

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Great it works now!
Also be aware the low power state beform arming.

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Thank you! Yes, I remember that:)