Diatone mamba f405 mini mk4 and power vtx

my vtx is always turn off,because i dont know how power on vtx power switch with orducopter…
(it is work well whit inav ,but i prefere arducorter :-)))
thank you very much

Did you read the Wiki?
Vtx control

Thanks, I read the vtx wiki. But it’s a flight controller problèm. I dont know how powered the vtx with mamba f405 mini mk4.

I messed up on the H743 with VTX power so I could have made the same mistake on the F405 mini. Which target are you flashing? is it the 2022B?

Yes, I screwed up. Fix is here: Mamba F405 2022 VTX Power by andyp1per · Pull Request #22976 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub

Can you try this firmware?

arducopter.zip (646.0 KB)

Thanks very much.
I try this on the mamba f405miny 2022_typeB

If you can let me know today that would be great as I can get it on the dev call this evening. You might have to set RELAY_DEFAULT = 1 to get it to work (or at least if this is set to 0 after the upgrade set it to 1)

No problèms, I try after 8pm utc.

hello its OK
the vtx is powered whit a switch

thant you

Excellent, thanks for the report!