Dev tutorial example sketches with Pixhawk 4 board

I’m trying to go through the dev tutorial example sketches by uploading the example sketch builds onto my Pixhawk 4 board ( However, after uploading the example builds, both Mission Planner and QGC aren’t able to detect the device, so I’m unsure of how to use the MAVLink console to test out the features as instructed in the tutorials.

I have tried the example sketches in SITL and they work fine, but SITL isn’t as interactive as testing it on the actual board – for example, testing the RC input and outputs (

The example just uses console prints, so you just need a terminal program.

I guess your using SITL with MavProxy? MavProxy shows both the Mavlink messages and terminal prints.

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The example just uses console prints, so you just need a terminal program.

Thank you that makes sense! and sorry for my lack of experience here, I had just assumed while going through the tutorials that when they said terminal, it meant specifically the terminal provided by the GCS software.

What commands exactly do I enter in the terminal to connect the terminal to my Pixhawk (fmuv5)? Do I somehow SSH into the Pixhawk over USB? (Unfamiliar with this process) I would like to actually test out actual inputs from my transmitter (printing out RC in/out to the console).

EDIT: From what I’m reading online, minicom should work for what I’m doing. Or is that overkill?

Just a standard com port terminal, loads should work Arduino has one, putty ect