Craig not able to attend or post an agenda. Randy stepped in to chair. Thanks Randy!
Craig will be back next week.
Attendee count (max): 15
UTC2301 -
- Merged!
UTC2313 -
- Redo as a single function with an if statement in the top
UTC2316 - parameter documentation
- Should we have SITL in the list or not?
- Merged!
UTC2317 -
- The dist-set-false thing is good for MdB
- merged!
UTC2320 -
- New file should get block comment for what the file is for
- Which way should we move mavlink parsing things?
- Into libraries
- Or out into mavlink
- Trend is for libraries to do their own stuff
- Permanent dependency you can’t get rid of
- GCS_MAVLink primarily infrastructure to talk to ground station
- Break out a separate file in AP_Mission instead?
- Half of AP_Mission is mavlink conversion code
- Which annoys MdB
- AP_Mission_MAVLink.cpp
- Harder to refactor AP_Mission to be internally correct?
- Working in GCS_MAVLink
- Amilcar like the way this is moving
- Killed this PR, will move code in the other direction
UTC2330 - mini-onion WindVane
- Tested in SITL
- SITL backend! Yay!
- Calibrated by twisting the windvane
- Calibration is once, not once per voyage
- Device isn’t that accurate anyway
- min/max are not rescaled in use
- Worry about voltage spikes?
- Ratiometric?
- Power supplies vary
- Sensors that are ratiometric assume a base voltage so you have to scale according to input power
- Regulated or not regulated?
UTC2336 - quadplane precision v2 by Luke Dempsey
- K_param_precland 256 may not work well
- 512 top-level parameters was added a while ago
- Not backwards compatible
- Above 255 will work on new code but not if people go back to really old versions of the code
- Should we open up the higher range?
- Probably safe after 3 years?
- Only a problem if you go back from new to old code
- Needs a detailed review
- And a rebase
- Tridge will try to find time to review it
- Not pre-onion?
- Tridge will rebase it
- Perfectly supportive
- Just needs time to look at it
UTC2340 -
- I2c transaction count and spi transaction counts via mavlink?
- Merged!
UTC2345 - io processor resets
- Tridge also saw something similar to JC
- But he was flashing
- Maybe checking version of firmware at the time?
- Check timestamp of io processor should allow for io processor to have been up for some period of time
- Need to detect IO processor reset so we send across all of the configuration
- It should never need to reset so it should currently be an internal error
UTC2348 - tradheli
- Heli rotor speed governor
- No heli guys to chat about this one
- No change from last week?
- Randy to talk with the guys about this one
UTC2349 - battery failsafe as percentage?
- Nothing to discuss
UTC2350 - Plane and tridge
- Proposal for airspeed-only-if-no-GPS?
- Needs thought
- Sensor affinity could be nice for both airspeed and GPS
- Tridge is working on
- [9:52 AM] (Channel) MdB: Because that scenario encourages not calibrating/validating the sensor then you swap to it in the failure mode
- [9:52 AM] To Weekly devcall: @MdB calibrate in-flight from estimated wind speed
UTC2351 - Copter and Randy
- 3.6.9 released
- 3.6.10rc1 including RC logging and watchdog changes coming RSN
- Estop switch issues?
UTC2353 - Rover and Randy
- Bendy ruler algorithm from CUAV
- Patches coming in RSN
- Dijkstra’s too
- “Safe nodes” generated from polygon fence
- Inner fence x metres inside the polygon fence
- Each point on polygon fence gets an inner fence
- Visibility graph
- Runs in a separate thread
- Runs pretty well
- RAM and CPU usage should be checked
- Tridge has been considering adding more bends into the ruler
- So it can take more turns before getting somewhere
- This many turns not an issue on CUAV
- So it can take more turns before getting somewhere
- Dijkstra’s may collapse when you have hundreds of fast-moving objects
- How do you do moving objects in Dijkstra’s?
- Identify safe places how?
- Safe is dependant on time
- Use projection and check for lines crossing to determine safe places
- Turning east vs west may get you somewhere at a different time
- Safe is dependant on time
- Dijkstra’s currently runs once per destination
- Stayout zone could be a Plane’s projection
- Moving spheres in 3D space
- Bendy ruler is a bit like a 2-ply-search in chess
- Game tree
- Chess-search algorithms might be applicable
- Might be able to use relatively small amounts of CPU to get 8 or 9-ply searches
- No projection based on velocity and turn rate hasn’t been included
- This is built into AC_Avoidance not AP_Avoidance
- Things are going into separate classes
- Iampete is hoping to look at this as part of his GSoC too
UTC0005 - sailboat
- Motor sailing PR in place
- Windvane ultrasonic thing later this week
- Yachty thing
- “Calipso”
- [10:07 AM] (Channel) MdB: PH: is the one I was thinking of
UTC0007 - close