opened 12:01AM - 14 Nov 24 UTC
This is a list of issues discovered during ArduPilot 4.6 testing. Issues for [C…opter/Rover-4.5 issues are here](
**Reports requiring investigation**
- [ ] Holybro M10 waiting to configure GPS1 ([discussion](, [discussion2](
- [ ] iBUS telemetry not working? ([discussion](
- [ ] BLHeli SERVO_BLH_RVMASK mapping is achieved through trial and error (xfacta, andyp)
- [ ] Takeoff throttle behavior for planes without airspeed sensor changed ([issue](, [PR](
**Confirmed issues**
- [ ] on ICM45686 IMUs the SPI transfer overheads can be overwhelming on some boards, especially those with 3 of that sensor. Some PRs to address: and
***Plane Specific Issues***
- [ ] the assisted_flight flag oscillates rapidly in fwd transition of tilt quadplanes, possibly leading to incorrect tllt slew rate
- [ ] possible regression in attitude control in quadplanes?
***Heli Specific Issue***
- None
***Wiki Issues***
- IMU temp cal pages need updating ([discussion](
**Enhancements or Issues that may not be resolved before the stable release**
- [ ] when the user has configured ESC, FFT or RPM notch and has INS_HNTCx_REF=0 then they end up with a fixed notch. We should have an arming check to tell them they need to set the REF to 1.0 (any non-zero value will do actually)
- [ ] ROS2 attitude control + thrust enhancement request ([discussion](
- [ ] AutoTune should have a vehicle specific (or configurable) AngleP max (reported by Tridge)
- [ ] add a warning if the GCS system clock and UTC clock on the flight controller differs by over 20s and signing is active, as signing will fail with a 30s difference
- [ ] Custom Build Server for CubeOrangePlus with OpenDroneID shows linker error when out of flash ([discussion1](, [discussion2](, Issue)
- [ ] Add LDRobot LD19 support ([discussion](, [issue](
- [ ] need to provide a clearer message to users when the power status flags change, indicating loss of a power source in flight. A statustext at message level CRITICAL I think is warranted, maybe "POWER STATUS CHANGE" ? (Tridge has details)
**Wiki issues/enhancement requests ([Wiki To-Do list](**
- None
**Resolved issues**
- [x] ESC Telemetry logging issue ([issue](, [PR]( -- resolved for beta3
- [x] Community dev struggles with build options ([discussion]( -- no response from user
- [x]
- [x] Autotune acceleration limiting is not effective ([PR]( -- resolved for beta3
- [x] Orqa 3030 autopilot config issue ([discussion](, [PR]( -- resolved for beta3
- [x] BeagleBoneBlue RC not working with Copter ([discussion]( -- user error related to running as a service
- [x] Plane takeoff not completing under TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=0 #28685 ([PR]( -- resolved for beta3
- [x] plane takeoff regression since 4.5.x: -- ready for beta2
- [x] on plane when FENCE_AUTOENABLE=3 and FENCE_ENABLE=0 the fence does not enable when arming if there is a RCn_OPTION set to FENCE. This is a regression from 4.5.x. (Tridge has details) Fix: -- ready for beta2
- [x] on plane the pre-arm check for being inside polygon fence was lost since 4.5.x. Fix: -- ready for beta2
- [x] Navio2 GPS not working ([discussion](, [conflicting report that it does work]( -- fixed by refreshing/resetting firmware
- [x] arming at mid-stick question ([discuss]( -- no issue
- [x] Crossfire receiver does not reconnect after failsafe ([issue](, [PR]( -- resolved for -beta2
- [x] Copter AutoTune can produce very low maximum acceleration values ([issue](, [PR]( -- resolved for -beta2
- [x] memory fragmentation and multiple memory regions mean lua scripting can fail with out of memory error even if you have plenty of free memory. Addressed in
- [x] system time may be unstable when using only first GPS timestamp, consider or similar fix (Tridge has details)
- [x] Plane fences ignored ([issue]( -- cannot reproduce