(Craig Elder)
- roundup of 3.4.2rc2 release
- not many issues reported
- some issues regarding “drifty loiter”
- no conclusive logs
- conclusive-looking logs should go to Paul
- thought it might be EKF issues, but extra logging seems to preclude it
- some discussion of changing EKF to average sensors to handle noise better
- talk of looking at time delay from sensors to size buffers to save on memory and reduce the effects of noise (particular in relation to GPS)
- Randy is hoping to catch on support in the next couple of days, then push out 3.4.2
- Terrain health issues when in non-GPS mode (Randy hasn’t investigated yet)
Object Avoidance (AP_Proximity) update
- there is now a simulator based on the Polygon fence
- turn fence off completely but Proximity sensor will still report it
- fixes and improvements may be PR’d today
- ignore-zones (to ignore e.g. your vehicle’s legs)
- discussion of possible auto-calibration of ignore zones
- calibrate after takeoff?
- explicit calibration?
- possibly put in another section of FRAM
- store into 3*uin32_t with 5 degree resolution
- changes to the way avoidance is done; a fence point is created between sectors; seems to be a vast improvement to what is currently in master
- talk of supporting cheaper sensors
- Randy is keen to add support for more hardware
- Sonar is awful (Philip)
- mavlink sensor would be nice
- Randy wants to add back-away to retreat from an object
- maximise distance from everything
- possibly like “super-simple” mode, so you turned on globally
- segfault on Bebop
- probably hal is not initialised before constructor runs
- build failure on Bebop
- “Plane: On Critical Battery, Land”
- Michael duBreuil is working on this with the committer
- deleting branches in current repo
- discussion of branches vs tags
- there are many workflows which work
- having a release branch for two previous releases seems popular
- release procedures will need to be updated
- workflows will remain up to the maintainer (e.g. Francisco)
- Tom is going to delete the easy branches
- turbulence for SITL
- Paul objects to adding “white-noise”; not a good model for turbulence
- Michael says he’s wasted Paul’s time before with a bad wind model
- Tridge points out we could use JSBSim’s
- they are extensive
- Paul will comment on PR
- the videos showing SITL integration with Unreal engine are really interesting
- tridge will be following that up
- “Accel calibration: add better MAVLink reporting”
- better GCS interaction during calibration (tolerate lost messages)
- need to fast-track the MAVLink merge
- ArduPilot wiki issues are piling up
- request for people to peruse the list and try to knock one or two off
- Git success
- move to different repo?
- tridge says he thinks the chatter really isn’t an issue
- Rob thinks the inflated number of committers could be used against us for political reasons
- resolution was leave things pretty much as is
Sensor Rework (tridge)
- enabled by default in master
- probably broke VR-Brain, Luke-Mike should be happy enough to fix
- fast sampling has been turned off (filtering issues)
- will be working with Leonard and/or Paul
- in-sensor filtering problems
- Much less CPU used
- another step coming which will save ~30% of CPU
- requires all SPI drivers to run in FIFO mode
- lsm303d work-around must be disabled; another workaround required
- more clipping is likely be evident to the user as they are not being averaged away by the sensor-smarts
- tridge will be working with Paul to work out some of the weird effects with using fast sampling
requests more testing - check to see if board boots(!)
- external sensors still work
- e.g. airspeed sensors
- v3 lidar funding request might be coming
- found and fixed ms5611 baro bug
Adaptive Control
- Ryan’s been doing hte maths, tridge the testing
- wiped an aircraft out on the weekend
- looking good now, needs testing on more aircraft to refine parameters
Philip hardware update
- PixHawk2 is shipping!
- no reports of anything going wrong
- question as to how to pick the correct compasses as there are now a couple of external compasses
- need to choose a replacement compass as current part 5983 is going EOL
Thanks for report ! It is very valuable for people who can’t attend to the meeting !
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