Hey everyone, I’ve been working on a 5-inch copter build with the following components:
Matek H743 Slim V3
SpeedBee ESC BLH32 50A
EMAX 2306 Motors
ELRS RadioMaster RP4TD
iFlight Blitz Mini GPS
After connecting everything together, I followed the usual calibration steps, set up parameters, and finished the hover learning and altitude hold tuning. The only thing left is the auto-tune.
However, I’ve noticed something weird during startup. When the motors beep, motor 1 takes about 15 seconds to beep, and then it takes another 6 seconds for the other motors to beep in sequence. All the motors don’t beep simultaneously like they did in Betaflight.
Also, in Betaflight, the motors beep almost immediately after the battery is connected, while in ArduPilot it takes much longer. Is this normal behavior for ArduPilot, or is there something I need to adjust to speed up the initialization process, especially for the motor arming?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
i have check for hardware before , i connect speedbee F7 that already frameware by beta flight and it intialized directly
No it work fine, motor run at 3% so i put MOTs_spin_Arm 0.05 and min as 0.08 , also i use bdshot and the copter is fly there are no issue in motor , what i ask why it take long tume to beep and arm
I was just trying to rule out any other issues. Ardupilot does take longer to initialize than betaflight does so there might not be any real issue here.
Just a theory: If you’re using pins 1,2,3,4 for the motors on the H743, pin 1&2 are in a different timing group from 3&4. So maybe it has to do with how Ardupilot is initializing the output groups. Remember that a 4 in 1 ESC is really 4 ESCs on one board so they will act independently.
Maybe somebody else will jump in, but I’ve noticed this before on other builds and it’s never been a problem.