Default flight mode on startup?

hi all,
maybe it’s a silly question, but i’m configuring an quad with herelink and cube orange, loading copter 4.0.2. Everything is fine, apart that it’s in Stabilize flight mode when booting up. Note that i set alt hold, loiter, auto and RTL in the fligh modes list, so no Stabilize, and since herelink can switch modes by mavlink commands, i set them into joystick section, binded with buttons A, B, C, home respectively. Channel for flight modes is unassigned. So how i can set default flight mode?

Thanks a lot

There has been some discussion about adding the INITIAL_MODE parameter that is in Plane and Rover to Copter but haven’t seen it implemented.


I use a LUA script to change the mode on startup.

And I see, @Eosbandi has done it too:

I would very much appreciate a INITIAL_MODE.


Yes, nice work. In AC Master:


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