On a recent mission, I got a radio failsafe. I’m trying to locate that event in the dataflash .bin file parameters. Nothing in the RCIN or RCOU parameters shows the 2 second loss of throttle signal to trigger the radio failsafe.
My receiver uses S-Bus to connect to the flight controller.
I’d like to track the associated parameters so I can check to see how close I may be coming to a radio failsafe on future missions.
If I need to use MavLink for RCIN to get this data, I can do that. I can do CRSF too - but I’d prefer to stay with the stable version - and CRSF is only supported on beta versions.
I’ve uploaded the .bin file to DropBox - you can find it here:
On a recent mission, I got a radio failsafe. I¢m trying to locate that event in the dataflash .bin file parameters. Nothing in the RCIN or RCOU parameters shows the 2 second loss of throttle signal to trigger the radio failsafe.
Parameters are used to change vehicle configuration; they don’t contain
flight data(*).
pbarker@bluebottle:/tmp$ mavlogdump.py --t EV Lake\ Ozora\ Failsafe.bin
2021-08-25 00:51:31.79: EV {TimeUS : 120412799, Id : 10}
2021-08-25 00:51:33.79: EV {TimeUS : 122414378, Id : 57}
2021-08-25 00:51:37.38: EV {TimeUS : 125997412, Id : 15}
2021-08-25 00:51:37.46: EV {TimeUS : 126082015, Id : 28}
2021-08-25 00:51:40.50: EV {TimeUS : 129117413, Id : 62}
2021-08-25 00:59:22.19: EV {TimeUS : 590814643, Id : 17}
2021-08-25 00:59:22.99: EV {TimeUS : 591617282, Id : 18}
2021-08-25 00:59:23.50: EV {TimeUS : 592124492, Id : 11}
2021-08-25 00:59:23.50: EV {TimeUS : 592126865, Id : 56}
I¢d like to track the associated parameters so I can check to see how close I may be coming to a radio failsafe on future missions.
Your radio doesn’t appear to be providing RSSI - or at least it isn’t
being logged into RSSI.RXRSSI . Do you know if the receiver provides that
information somehow?
Thank you PeterBarker for taking the time to look into my question - and your helpful information.
I’ve now realized that I’ve not configured my receiver (Crossfire Diversity) and flight controller (Orange Cube) to send link quality from the receiver to the flight controller.
The receiver offers several options - analog which can be sent to a GPIO pin on the flight controller, and PWM assigned to a channel.
This should benefit my ground control station to have link quality status, and populate the RXRSSI data collection.
Do you have a suggestion on which option is preferable for configuring the link quality connection from the receiver to the flight controller?
I still think it’s peculiar that ArduPilot doesn’t record the thrust signal that causes the radio failsafe to trigger. By contrast, the voltage is recorded - which is one of the possible triggers for the battery failsafe.