CubeOrange vs Holybro kakute wing for a 2Kg FPV drone

Hi all, I need some help about the pros and cons of Orange cube and Holybro kakute wing flight controller. Turns out the 2nd one has all the ports and communication protocol needed for my quadcopter, so why shoud I opt for orange cube? Turns out the orange cube is vastly used in industry.

I am making a FPV drone with more or less 2 kg payload.

Any help is appreciated…guys please help me with any information related

the cubes have thermally stabilised IMU sensors so will generally work better for longer periods of time, large temperature changes can cause the IMU to drift but the cubes heated imu keeps it stable to reduce drift, its IMU also has some internal vibration dampning, it also has standard connectors and is generally going to have better quality control.

its like tools, if its just for fun or testing then cheap tools like the kakute or matek is more then enough. but if your busness depends on it then its worth paying the extra to get the extra stability/quality control/ support etc.

Thank you for replying. Can you please specify in which section of the datasheet I can find this detail?

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