Good day all, I have a long story I will try to keep short.
Using Cube orange I have to run carbon fibre props (instead of plastic) because even though the vibe levels are the same for both some sort of vibration causes pulsing of the motors in flight and poor flight behaviour with the plastic props
I changed to Cube Orange+ and found that 90% of this problem went away but I still see some bad behaviour with the plastic props.
I want to run plastics props (cheaper) and am considering trying the cube orange+ (IB) but it sounds as though this should not be done unless the vibrations etc are analyzed? I am not sure what to look for.
I guess what I am asking is that is there a risk to running the (IB) or can I just try it and see? I don’t mind to spend the money on the test I just don’t want to put the drone at risk if this is not a good ideal.
I can provide logs of the drone currently running Carbon Fibre props and the Orange+ if someone is willing to review them.