Cuav V5+ dual power module error


I use version 1.3.74 and Arducopter 4.0.3.
When I select the type of the second powermodul the following error message appears
Error 26.09.2020 13_06_50
After confirming in this field I can make a selection. Measure current and voltage.
When trying to select a sensor or enter a measured value, the following error messages will appear:
Error 25.09.2020 13_52_28 Error 26.09.2020 10_32_58
If I enter the value 14 for current and 13 for voltage in the parameter list, I do not get the correct values.
Despite many searches here in the forum I could not find a solution.
Can anyone here help me to solve this problem?


Good day, you are setting the parameters in battery monitor or advanced full parameters list?

Update to 4.0.4 and update mission planner

Hello David,

I set the parameters in the full parameter list.

@Amilcarlucas: Mission Planner version 1.3.74 says there is no update available for mission planner.
Where can I download a newer version?


Good day, you can try download beta version of MP using Mp

Hello David,

I have downloaded the beta version of MP and installed it on Arducopter
4.04 updated.
Unfortunately always the same error messages.


There is (was) a know issue with power modules:

Do not plug Digital or Analog PM onto connectors configured for other type of PM

If you plug an Analog PM into a digital PM connector it will stop all the I2C devices on that bus. Specifically this will stop the GPS’s compass due to contention, and may also damage the FMU (longer term).

Similarly, a digital PM plugged into a analog connector will not work, and may also damage/destroy the power module (longer term).

  • Found: Batch 01
  • Fixed: -


we are not talking about the power input of the V5+
but via pins 13 and 14 which can not be read out correctly as A/D converters.

And there seems to be a software problem.
