CS1061 'ConcurrentDictionary<int, uavcan.uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus>' does not contain a definition for 'Remove' and no accessible extension method 'Remove' accepting a first argument of type

Hi, when I build missionplanner after download it I get this error ( CS1061 ConcurrentDictionary<int, uavcan.uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus>’ does not contain a definition for ‘Remove’ and no accessible extension method ‘Remove’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ConcurrentDictionary<int, uavcan.uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) )in line 162 and 184 in EXTLibs/UAVCANFlasher/Program.cs.

I found the fix for this error by modification of EXtLibs/UAVCAN/UAVCAN.cs line 1397 just delete concurrent from this line to be as this
public Dictionary<int, uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus> NodeList = new Dictionary<int, uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus>();

build only MissionPlanner. dont use build all.

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