I am following ardupilot/Tools/scripts/signing at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub link for Firmware Tamperpoofing.
I tried to configure the board using
python3 -m pip install pymonocypher==
Tools/scripts/signing/generate_keys.py Prabhat
Tools/scripts/build_bootloaders.py CubeOrangePlus --signing-key=Prabhat_public_key.dat
./waf configure --board CubeOrangePlus --signed-fw --private-key Prabhat_private_key.dat
./waf plane --upload
after this i did “flashbootloader” from mavproxy. All these steps were completed but after that CubeOrange is not showing any connection ports on plugging in and a constant light is glowing.
Also i have some more questions.
- when we sign the bootloader in second command. Does it update the CubeOrange with secure bootloader or it updates bootloader and firmware while flashing using mavproxy.
- what if i use mission planner for flashing instead mavproxy, do i have to upload arduplane_with_bl.hex or just arduplane.apj
After all this the CubeOrange should be secured, or is there something i am missing?
Thankyou in advance.