Hello, today my hexa has crashed, It flew perfect since september (I work with and I work everyday, all day, so I make like 15 flights per day).
But today it crashed, with no errors or reason, it just dropped from sky, after crash I power on again and everything was ok, so no hardware failure or broken wire.
I will upload the telemetry log becouse its the only data I have, I really dont know why the FC log didnt record in crash flight.
I see that, in the crash log at 5:05:29, the log contains the following status text: 11/19/2020 5:05:29 AM FE 33 0 0 7A 1 1 FD mavlink_statustext_t severity 4 text Radio Failsafe - Continuing Auto Mode id 0 chunk_seq 0 sig Len 59 crc16 51850
and immediately after that the aircraft falls to the ground.
Also, in both logs, the vibration level is quite high, and that in any event you really should bring those levels lower to rule out vibration-related failures, by balancing your propellers and using cushioning in your flight controller mount.
There are other odd things, like this message early in the flight: 11/19/2020 5:01:22 AM FE 33 0 0 4B 1 1 FD mavlink_statustext_t severity 2 text AP_Logger: stuck thread (write) id 0 chunk_seq 0 sig Len 59 crc16 48006
Perhaps this is why you had no dataflash log.