Coupling btw Yaw & Pitch/Roll in Loiter? Also Log dwld issue

Heavy Hex running 3.1 and 3.0.1 (back and forth) on APM 2.5 :

Has anyone encountered this? When in a nice steady loiter, if a moderate amount, say 20 or 30 degrees, of gently applied yaw is commanded the Hex drifts distinctly off-station, and if the same yaw is commanded in the opposite direction the drift is also opposite. So it’s like a coupling. It’s not a mix coming from the Tx. I first noticed it after loading 3.1 and went back to 3.0.1 because of that, but it’s still there.

Slightly off-topic, I was completely unable to download any log files after installing 3.1 from either CLI or Mavlink. On moving back to 3.0.1 logs download normally.

This problem regarding coupling between yaw and pitch/roll was posted here nearly three weeks ago. A few days later, not having gotten a single reply, I posted the question on DIYD as well. Again there were no proposed answers.

While this problem is not as spectacular as a flyaway or attempted tunnel-excavating it is nevertheless annoying at best and makes precise camera aiming while in loiter difficult. So I continued to try to find the source of the issue as best I could as an amateur. I have spent hours and hours trying to solve this problem. Which would have been fine, except yesterday a friend with connections to the Dev world discovered that this yaw/pitch-roll coupling is apparently a known firmware issue and is being addressed!!

One little phrase - “We’re working on that.” - would have saved a whole bunch of time and frustration. Just saying …