Correct settings for simultaneous use of multiple escs


we are working on a quad (4 + 1) that uses 2 different brands of ESCs. More specifically the front 2 motors use T-Motor flame ESCs while the 2 rear motors use YGE Opto ESCs.

How should we set up variables such as MOT_THST_EXPO?

P.S. The usage of the same ESCs is not an option right now.

I guess you have same frame with my Lab.

As I know
If you use 2 diffrent ESCs with 2 diffrent Props, Like I did, you can’t easily set same thrust when same input using MOT_THST_EXPO, it just 1st~2st order of exponential function.
->aerodynamics problem// you must make thrust curve, and apply to libraries as I know.

but if you use same props with deffrent motors, reply to me, I have solution with it

->aerodynamics problem// you must make thrust curve, and apply to libraries as I know.

I don’t quite understand this part of your answer. Do you recommend making the thrust curve for all the motors simultaneously (e.g. on the quad) and taking the EXPO from there?

Also, by libraries, do you mean the ardupilot source code?