Copter wobble in z axis

I’m working on a Quadcopter using xing 2205.8 2300kv motor with Blheli 4in1 alongside pixracer pro.
6s 1300mah battery, Power module v6.0, Here 2 gps, Rfd 900.
The problem which I am getting is that when i fly my drone in stabilize mode it works perfectly but when I switch to loiter or any gps based modes it starts wobbling in z axis (like going up and down in z axis). And now I’m unable to find any solution to this problem. Please look into the log file if someone could help. Also I have tried changing the gps but still problem is not going off.

This is one of the many issues solvable by the ArduPilot methodic configurator software.
Install it and use it.

I bet that is not your only issue.

Another craft with Motor output oscillation due to some default parameters. It’s rather simple to solve that but use the Configurator anyway.

@dkemxr we all statistically know, users never have a single configuration issue.

They waist a lot or time and money by trial-crash-repair-repeat. Let’s stop advising them to fix one issue at a time. Let’s do them a favor, and explain them how to fix all issues at once and without crashes, shall we?

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