Copter wants to roll after takeoff

I need help with tuning/the first flight of my copter with a Quad+ frame. I tried a first takeoff last week in stabilized mode, but already on the ground the copter started to roll. Before the start on the ground, I tested that all orientations are correct and manual inputs are preformed correctly (to verify correct connections of esc’s and motors). With low thrust on the ground one can see that the copter pitches/rolls as intended when commanded.
Having a look into the log file now left me a bit baffled:

  1. the motors get from the moment I try to spool up the motors different PWM signals (RCOU.RC1-4)
  2. the copter detects a Pitch up rotation rather to a Roll left rotation

I uploaded the log file here: log_10_2024-8-27-08-38-38.bin - Google Drive

Does anybody have an Idea what’s going wrong here?

There could be multiple issues:

  1. Motor connection and rotation direction. Use mission planner motor test to test that the order A, B, C, D is correct ( not 1,2,3,4) and that the rotation order is also correct.
  2. make sure board orientation is set correctly.

To make sure all sensors are correct after changing the board orientation you need to fully recalibrate all sensors.

So the simplest way to fix your issues is to reset all parameters to default values and start all over using: MethodicConfigurator/ at master · ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator · GitHub

Thank you, however I am pretty sure initial setup and configuration to be correct.

Then do not complain once it crashes.

Not with a log file link that has an access requirement.

Sorry, I wasn’t aware of that. Here it is without restriction:

are you sure is a Quad+ motor layout for your 20" propeller drone? you have 6 motors configured.


any reason you go for battery 2 monitor and not 1 for CubeOrange?
Confirm you mounted CubeOrange and compass this way.
Are you sure you have 2 external compasses?
Make sure you did the ESC calibration.


Double-check your propeller plane to see if there are some higher than others, if no, You may want to try simple Accel Cal on a flat surface to see if help before you arm and Calibrate level.

As @amilcarlucas suggested, double-check the motor spin direction. And also check your drone body XY-CG.

Consider this suggestion as well. Understand what you bring to your CubeOrange.

could be minor to your current values, these are the latest suggested initial parameters for a 20" propeller drone.

|Prop Size|20|inches|
|Arducopter 4.2+|||
|ATC_ANG_YAW_P|3|Changed parameter name in 4.2, see above|
|Arducopter 4.0 to 4.1|||
|ACRO_YAW_P|3|Uses new formula|
|ATC_THR_MIX_MAN|0.1|Set to 0.5 after test flights|
|INS_ACCEL_FILTER|10|10 is the new default|
|INS_GYRO_FILTER|23|Usually dont go below 20|
|MOT_THST_EXPO|0.71|Uses new formula|
|MOT_THST_HOVER|0.2|Hover Learn will fix this|