Copter shakes when stopping the joystick in Loiter mode although Stabilize mode is very stable


I recently built my quadcopter with the following configuration:

X4 copter
Motor 5008 160kv and Tmotor esc
Arducopter runs 4.5.6 firmware.

I flew and tried tunning, and the copter seemed to respond well in stabilization mode, however when I switched to loiter mode, the copter had no vibration, the strange thing here is that every time I controlled and left the joystick, the copter would stop but will vibrate once or twice when stopping.

I checked the vibration on the log however everything is fine, maybe I missed something, but any help is appreciated, thank you, everyone,

I have attached the log file below: 2024-09-22 13-42-15.bin - Google Drive

You need to land in AUTOTUNE and disarm for the new values to take hold.

Sorry, I don’t use the auto-tune mode in this case.

You have not tuned the LOITER_BREAK parameters have you?

And did you tune LOITER_ACCEL and LOITER_JERK?

Vibrations are high, and the tuning you’ve done is very non-standard. Some of the basic initial tuning values are not set correctly. (I say that because some values are defaults for a roughly 10" prop, and others have been changed to suggest props around 15". Either way, not consistent and not helping you have a quad that flies well.)

It might help if you go back and follow the tuning instructions in the wiki.

My suggestion, address the vibrations and get them lower. Then check the notch filter to make sure it’s working properly. Then try the tuning again. You can manually tune, or use either Autotune mode or the quick tune script.

If the parameters are too daunting then look for the Methodic Configurator. That tool will make sure you have everything set up correctly and you will end up with a good flying drone.


Hello, I just set some pagram about Loiter please see the picture below:

Fiddling with the the Loiter parameters when the Tuning is terrible, the Notch filter is set incorrectly and the vibration levels are way too high is pointless.

Reset to default and follow a standard configuration and tuning plan.


Thank Dave, sorry below is this picture about Loiter setting:
Also, I will disable the notch filter now Do you know where the vibration comes from?

Vibration is a mechanical problem. Motors, frame, wires, props. No parameters will fix that,

Don’t disable the notch, set it correctly.

And don’t bother with loiter parameters until you fix the tune.


I see, But I have 15-inch prop, you said to have some pagram set to 10-inches, could you help me some pagram like this?

The strange thing is that when I fly the stabilizer, the tone response seems perfect, without any vibrations.
The copter only lost stability when I switched to loiter, can you explain this?

Look up the Methodic Configurator. It has all the instructions you need.

Stabilized mode is the simplest mode. When you switch to loiter you are adding additional levels of control, that when not properly tuned will fly poorly.

Vibration is not the same as oscillation. Your drone is vibrating in all modes. It does not have significant oscillation considering the poor tune.