Hello everyone,
My copter crashed after it took off flew for roughly few minutes. It was only increasing height and crash occurred. I checked the logs, to me it only appears that motor stopped spinning suddenly and the copter crashed.
Can someone more experienced can look into this. It looks like ESC or motor failure which never occurred till now.
Hello Brian, did you check the hardware after crash, esc connectors, motors etc?
@randyV Yes, the wires are still connected.
It seems like an ESC failure. Performing a quick ground test by connecting the 4th ESC to a working motor could help confirm the issue.
I am using 4in1 ESC. I checked the ESCs by arming and bench motor test. They are working actually.
Following are the ESC settings i had used.
I previously had an issue with my ESC that took some time to diagnose. One of my ESCs wasn’t generating maximum thrust when I applied full throttle. I only discovered this by comparing each motor’s RPM and current values at maximum current using a ramp command via RC, rather than relying on the motor bench section in Mission Planner.
What I mean is that just because an ESC works fine at low throttle doesn’t necessarily mean it’s 100% healthy across all throttle ranges—especially above 50% throttle. Since I don’t have a thrust stand, I made the comparison by analyzing RPM and current values.
Of course, the root cause of the problem could be something other than the ESC. However, if the issue is due to ESC inefficiency or malfunction, I believe this is a good way to detect it.