I’ve finished up my hex a few days ago and it’s been working well until today. I just had a crash I’m wondering if anyone has some insight on what happened. I was trying to use the QGroundControl android app as a GCS and it all went wrong.
From QGroundControl I armed the copter and choose take off. This went fine it took off, held position and went into Guided mode. After hovering for a bit I decided to switch it via the radio to alt hold mode. The moment I did this it pitched hard forward and smoked a few trees. Surprisingly very little damage. I’m sure glad it went that direction tho. Could have been an insurance claim any other way.
I noticed the elevator(pitch) on RCIN.C2 was at 982 the whole time but my remote was definitely centered when I switched modes. Does QGroundControl override these values or are they always from the RC remote?
In hindsight I should have hit the RTL switch and waited for it to land. But panic and all. Looks like it tried to correct when I panic switched modes into Auto after realizing I had no control but was it was too late.
Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ZCV5WnfOhdf2LFq4TZuiJu1_do9A5tm/view?usp=sharing