My application only requires a simple inclusion fence with a return point. Requirement for a poly fence would be similar to what was available for AC 3.5.5, and MP 1.3.49.
Could you elaborate more on the limitations of a polyfence under mavlink1 and/or point me in the direction of where I can find such documentation?
You’ve been a great help already. Thank you for your assistance on this.
My application only requires a simple inclusion fence with a return point. Requirement for a poly fence would be similar to what was available for AC
3.5.5, and MP 1.3.49.
Could you elaborate more on the limitations of a polyfence under mavlink1 and/or point me in the direction of where I can find such documentation?
You should still be able to upload to ArduPilot a single polygon fence
using the old “fencepoint” protocol as you describe - from AC3.5.5 for
example. It converts it to a single “new-style” polygon fence as the
functionality is near-enough to a subset.
That being said, I do not know how MissionPlanner copes with this - not a
GCS I use day-to-day. I do know that MAVProxy continues to use the old
fencepoint protocol and has no issue uploading one of those.