Copter 3.6.9 and Cubie Yellow

Hi All
Today I get new Cube Yellow for test
I uploaded copter 3.6.9 firmware (MS detect Cube Yellow) but I have problem
Mission Planner says Initialising APM and thats all,
in QGC I see message Check BRD_TYPE: Unable to detect board type.
I try to manualy change BRD_TYPE to 3 but no success.
Any idea ???

QGC may not recognise Cube Yellow yet - I’d suggest not making param changes due to QGC at the moment.
The yellow is brand new, so perhaps Phil can point you in the right direction @proficnc

OK thx
It is strange: MP recognise when I install firmware but after installing says: board type unknown

Cube yellow is specifically for PX4 to start with, it is the lower performance F7, the H7 is in the cube orange

Are you loading cube yellow specific firmware?

All is Beta at the moment, so I would suggest sticking with mission planner as that’s what we use.


Yes I loaded specyfic version for CubeYellow


I try to load 3.6.10-rc1010-rc1

OK problem solved I remove driver i install again Now I have two ports
Cube Yellow Mavlink (COM68) and Cube Yellow SLCAN (COM66)
Now I can connect to COM68
I load latest 3.7 dev firmware