Copter-3.4.2-rc2 is available for beta testing

Copter-3.4.2-rc2 is available for beta testing through the various ground station’s Beta Firmwares link. This is a relatively minor update on AC3.4.1 including just the following few changes to address issues found after AC3.4 went out.

  1. Minor Improvements:
  • ACRO_Y_EXPO applies to all flight modes (but is defaulted to zero)
  • Autotune timeout increased (helps with large copters)
  • AltHold filter applied to P (was previously only for D)
  • arming check for compass health (was previously only a pre-arm check)
  1. Bug Fixes:
  • compass calibration (onboard) fix to return completion status
  • LeddarOne driver busy-wait fix
  • SBF GPS altitude fix
  • MAV GPS uses existing configured baud rate instead of auto detecting

If any beta testers could us test this and give feedback, we’d really appreciate it! If all goes well we will release this as the official version in a week or so.

By the way, there will be an AC3.4.3 as well which we hope will include fixes to these issues:

  1. px4flow not working on pixracer
  2. shorten time for GPS driver’s to gps type being used
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