Controlling rover via wifi

I am building arduboat with trolling motor. It uses one servomotor for steering. Flightcontroller is Matek F405-SE. I want to make Wifi based remote controller that I can use to change “flightmode” Auto-Manual-Loiter. Also it needs to be capable manually control throttle and steering (in the range of wifi of course).
Never before done anything with wifi modules so I need some advices:

  1. Is this even possible? Can I do rc transmitter and receiver as described above with two wifi modules.

  2. Is there easier way? (bluetooth maybe?) needs to be cheap and that is why rc transmitter and receiver is not an option.

  3. Hardware. At the moment I am planning to use Esp8266 modules. But if there is some better options or something else needed I am glad to hear.

  4. How do I do that. After spending many hours on the internet trying to find projects like that with no answers I decided to ask here.
    There is many Wifi controlled RC car and robotic projects. Most of them are using mobile device as a transmitter but I need joystick or button control so transmitter needs to be build using wifi module too.

Another problem is flightcontroller how can I give those mode change inputs to flight controller? Maybe the whole control system needs to be based on wifi telemetry. But can I use servo and throttle control over wifi?

As you can see I am littlebit lost :smile: . This is my first rover build and also first wifi communication system. So if you know anything that can help me forward or you know some similar project that can be used as a reference please share it with me :slight_smile:

Why do you want to use wifi/bluetooth to control your boat? Is it a project requirement?

I know those are copter instructions but they would work the same for Rover or Plane. Some boards like the Pixracer R15 kits come with wifi modules. Once you have the link established you could use a joystick through Mission Planner like you could with any other data link. With Mission Planner connected you have access to all functionality, even without an RC radio. I don’t have a lot of experience with this system. I’ve used the wifi modules with my Pixracers and they worked better than I expected and allowed me to just use an iPad in the field rather than carry a full laptop. But the range for a quad was only slightly better than 100m. Impressive given the setup, but for my needs not enough to invest a ton of energy.


Yea, I use them on several different vehicles and consider them only good for configuration/calibration. They work great for that purpose. One of their best uses is compass calibration but now I just do a crude one to get it in the air and collect data for Magfit.

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Its manned boat with electric trolling motor. For example I can use Loiter mode for keeping boat in its position while fishing. So range dont need to be more than few meters. RC transmitter is too big for being used and also transmitter and receivers are pretty expensive compared to wifi or bluetooth modules.

Can I somehow use that kind of communication without mission planner

So it’s the absolute cheapest way to achieve Loiter with Rover? How will you “use loiter mode” with a trolling motor to maintain position?

I have a project where WiFi is the preferred means of transmission, but an RC transmitter is still preferred as the input method.

There is a wide mesh network in the area that exceeds normal RC transmitter range.

FrSky transmitters will output SBus on their module pins. It’s somewhat trivial to read that signal with an ESP32 and transmit it to another on the Rover. I may share the code someday, but it’s not polished enough to make public at the moment, and you’d be well advised to add some failsafes (which my code lacks at present).

I have QGroundControl running on my phone. That would work to the Wifi link.

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Yes. And I have reverse capable motor controller and servo motor that turns trolley motor. If that was what you meant?

And the price is not the most important thing. Just want to make it as simple as possible and keep the transmitter in “practical size”

After you guys opened my eyes when questioning that why I want to use wifi. I started thinking about it myself. What if I try to build arduino based RC transmitter by using NRF24L01 module and configure modes in channels that are not used in manual operating. That should work. Right?. Do I need also make NRF24L01 receiver or can it be used with any 2.4GHz receiver