At my wits end, I’m getting battery 1 unhealthy all the time, even with no battery connected, I’m on latest firmware and MP and have gone through all my batteries, even the new ones that I’ve just opened. Everytime I change the battery, I update the initial parameter screen to match the battery, but I still get the battery message. This never was a problem before I updated firmware and MP.
Which version of MP and firmware introduced the battery health check? I want to roll back both to the version before that one?
Fc is pixhawk fmuv3, batt settings were changed to suit every time I tried a different battery (v,a, fs, and cut off etc)
Just noticed that on my freshly charged 6s, the battery monitor was showing 17.xxxv, but charger showed it at 24.xxxv (did some motor testing) I’m starting to think i may need to change out the power module - at least give that a shot first
Sorry, can’t remember atm, buuuut, changed out the power module, left it unpowered for about 1/2 hr, powered up and it passed pre arm, no battery issues at all. I powered down and repowered about three times, the last was a ten minute flight with no issues.
Bad module?
I’ll have to bring everything back up to date now - but then again, I’m only down by a subversion (.4 instead of .5) so I may leave it (if it ain’t broke…)