Dear, Everyone please help. I am dealing with the issue of BBBlue as attach I try to connect the board to ground station and its still cannot connect to ardupilot. In addition I used command as below image
Thanks you if someone here could help me to solve this issue thanks.
May 10, 2021, 8:58am
You need to add mavlink parameters so the GCS can connect. Here is the wiki from the original BBMINI, it shows for example this command:
Example: MAVLink groundstation via radio connected to UART4 and GPS connected to /dev/ttyO5
sudo /home/debian/arducopter -B /dev/ttyO5 -C /dev/ttyO4
# Software
How to prepare your BeagleBone to use as BBBmini.
* Debian 8.6 jessie
* GCC 4.9
* Kernel 4.4 PREEMPT RT
* BBBmini devicetree loaded at startup.
## Prepare microSD with your Linux host computer
1. Download Debian image [](
2. Decompress image: `unxz BBB-blank-debian-8.6-console-armhf-2016-10-02-2gb.img.xz`
3. Use `lsblk` to find the address `/dev/sdX` of your microSD device, such as `/dev/sdc`. `/dev/sdX` should point to your microSD device, not partition, be careful here to make sure you don't wipe the wrong device or partition!!! Unplug your microSD card and run lsblk again then plug it back in, if you want to verify it's the correct device.
4. Copy image to microSD card (>= 2GB), the process can take 15-30 minutes depending on the speed of your microSD card: `sudo dd bs=4M if=./BBB-blank-debian-8.6-console-armhf-2016-10-02-2gb.img of=/dev/sdX status=progress`
5. `sync` and remove microSD
## Install Debian to your BeagleBone eMMC
1. Plug prepared microSD into BeagleBone
2. While holding down the boot button, apply power to the board. If there is a newer Debian installed, holding down the boot button is not necessary.
3. Wait some minutes until Debian is installed (all four LEDs turned on).
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