"Connect Failed" on mission planer

Hi everyone. I have problem about the mission planer. When ı run SITL ıt runs and automatically opens MAVProxy map and console. But it cannot connect to the Mission Planer. What should ı do ?

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What platform ? What setup ?

Actually ı dont understand what do you mean about platform and setup however ı use microsofot but in the windows ı use WSL. İn this case ı try to run ArduPlane

So your platform if Windows and your setup is a WSL build environment for Ardupilot.
In some cases the default TCP connection does not work in WSL (it is a network config issue)
As long as you can ping your host IP from WSL, you can use the
-A "--serial1=udpclient:<your IP address>:14550"
line to add a udp connection then you can connect to it from MP.

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you are GODDAMN genius man. You should have at least 200IQ. Thank you so much dude
By the way ı used this code as --out=udp:<“myip”>:14550 if someone encounter a problem like that they can try it