I am struggling with what is the desired response from the heli in all of the modes. I have gone through the WiKi now at least 5 times and each time the Heli I get a different response.
Now, Stabalize seems to function correctly, but with limited collective range as it should. I have the collective limits set to the WiKi recommendations and as I change the limits, the collective range changes. The lower collective range now has a digital “jump” in one spot as I move the collective stick down tward the bottom. I don’t know if this is normal and is a typical response to the limited stabalization range.
but, with all of the other modes, now when I switch from stabalize to Alt hold, or loiter, or Auto the swash move up to max pitch and will not move. I feel the collective should respond to altitude. On the HUD, it will say 5 meter or so, with the Heli armed, and I change the altitude of the heli (walk up stairs to 15 meters), the collective should move down to compensate right? It does not do anything in any of the GPS modes with a green light and good 3D GPS lock. I can see the VSI guage moving and the collective should respond right, it does not? Heli is armed in all cases and I am just going around in circles.
It would be great if sombody could give me a their parameters of a convential Heli to look at and what response is typical from each mode on the bench whien the Heli is moved. Any size Heli is fine, Im doing somthing wrong and I don’t know what.
Bobby, can you just post your param file here and I’ll have a look?
If the swash jumps up to max pitch when you put it in AltHold, them I’m afraid there’s something weird going on, like you’ve got a bunch of channels reversed. Like maybe the throttle is backwards in your Tx, so you reversed all the servos to make them move properly in stabilize mode, but then in Auto mode, the whole system is upside-down.
The “inactive” position for auto collective is down, not up.
I have run the Radio calibration several times, everyting follows the sticks with the exception of elevator (aft stick(up elevator) is max PWM).
system arms correctly collective stick down (max negative collective) and to the right to arm.
The collective was traveling to max negative before I changed parameters and copied the"cote" parameters, but the results were about the same.
I do have it configured for H1 and FBL now and ACRO functions correctly or everything moves the right direction. If I configure for flybarless and H1 everything is the same except for Acro has no cyclic.
Note the RATE_PIT_P and RATE_RLL_P terms are very low so there has to be RATE_PIT_FF and RATE_PIT_FF terms to get any decent level of control. But the terms are much smaller than I have typically seen elsewhere.
The yaw terms are also small but I have plastic tail blades which seem to induce some oscillation because they are not stiff enough. I will replace these with slightly larger (86mm versus 76mm) carbon blades that are much stiffer which seemed to give me better results previously. The RATE_YAW_P term can then probably increase a little but I’ll let you know about that once I’ve changed the tail blades.
I’ve also attached some photos for your information.