Hi community,
Im really interested in getting some sort of config file setup that i could load in either with MavLink messages or an embedded Lua script that will have my preferred parameters, rather than each time loading mission planner and going through the config setup, being able to have this file with the right parameter indexes ready to go.
i’ve seen the instructions here
so know this should be possible with a lua script that lives on the autopilot, but wondering if there is a neater way?
Perhaps with a MavLink message (i use pymavlink) that grabs a config file and sends a
But i don’t know how to actually construct those in pymavlink as can’t find any examples!
Maybe too much for this topic but on a similar vein, id like to be able to have a joystick mapped to servo channels in a similar manner, with a config file that (for a specific controller) maps the right servo channels to the right buttons id like to set, again without the need to go onto mission planner and manually set up the controller/joystick.