Clarify Y6b Motor Order


I am building my first y6b now and I am unsure about the motor order in Mission Planner Motor Test. Can please a developper confirm the assignement of motor number and A to F. Is it variant 1 or variant 2.

Varaint 1:
1: A
2: B
3: C
4: D
5: E
6: F

Variant 2:
1: A
2: D
3: B
4: E
5: C
6: F


Thanks for your help. Maybe would be great to add this also to the documentation



Motor order is always A, B, C, D, E …

Mission Planner’s Motor Test page actually provides some insight if it’s confusing:


But to confuse things slightly, the numbers are somewhat insignificant (though you can make them match by wiring methodically). The test order must be:

A: front right (top, CW)
B: front right (bottom, CCW)
C: rear (top, CW)
D: rear (bottom, CCW)
E: front left (top, CW)
F: front left (bottom, CCW)

Thanks for your help

