Our drone is using a RPI3+ with APSync. The AP gets created and i can connect to it and open the configurations page @ . Everything is working fine so far.
Changing the Auth Type there to any option does not work. It always stays WPA. I also tried to change it via command line an nmcli but there i just can use wpa-psk for the key-mgmt.
My goal is to connect a Tello EDU drone to the AP from my bigger drone. The bigger drone should act as kind of mothership which controls a little swarm around itself. If i use another AP (for example when i use the hotspot from my cellphone which uses WPA2-Auth), the Tello EDU is connecting to that AP. I believe, that the Tello EDU is not able to connect to the APSync AP because it requieres WPA2 Auth.
Thanks for any help