I am changing the make_secure_fw.py to adapt the wolfssl RSA algorithm by already integrating the wolfssl module into Ardupilot. Here, i could not understand the below line. Also, why the variable desc_len is mentioned as 92. my RSA private key signature lenth is 256. Please let me know, whether i need to change anything in this script.
img = img[:(offset + 16)] + desc + img[(offset + desc_len):]
Please see the complete modified code of make_secure_fw.py, provided as below
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json, base64, zlib
from Crypto.Signature import DSS
from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import pkcs1_15
import struct
import binascii
def to_unsigned(i):
‘’‘convert a possibly signed integer to unsigned’‘’
if i < 0:
i += 2**32
return i
key_len = 32
#sig_len = 64
sig_len = 256
sig_version = 30437
descriptor = b’\x41\xa3\xe5\xf2\x65\x69\x92\x07’
#sign the image if key declared
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
# open apj file
apj = open(sys.argv[1],‘r’).read()
# decode json in apj
d = json.loads(apj)
# get image data
img = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(d[‘image’]))
img_len = len(img)
#key = ECC.import_key(open(sys.argv[2], “r”).read())
key = RSA.import_key(open(sys.argv[2], “r”).read())
#descriptor = b’\x41\xa3\xe5\xf2\x65\x69\x92\x07’
offset = img.find(descriptor)
if offset == -1:
print(“No APP_DESCRIPTOR found”)
offset += 8
desc_len = 92
digest = SHA256.new(img[:offset] + img[offset+desc_len:])
#signer = DSS.new(key, ‘fips-186-3’, encoding=‘der’)
signature = pkcs1_15.new(key).sign(digest)
#signature = signer.sign(digest)
siglen = to_unsigned(len(signature))
print(“MY RSA SIGNATURE LENGTH %d”,len(signature))
#signature += bytes(bytearray([0 for i in range(72 - len(signature))]))
#signature += bytes(bytearray([0 for i in range(257 - len(signature))]))
#pack signature in 4 bytes and length into 72 byte array
#desc = struct.pack(“<I72s”, siglen, signature)
desc = struct.pack(“<IQ256s”, sig_len+8, sig_version, signature)
img = img[:(offset + 16)] + desc + img[(offset + desc_len):]
print(“img len”,len(img))
print(“Applying APP_DESCRIPTOR Signature %d %s” % (siglen, binascii.hexlify(desc)))
d[“image”] = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(img,9)).decode(‘utf-8’)
d[“image_size”] = len(img)
d[“flash_free”] = d[“flash_total”] - d[“image_size”]
d[“signed_firmware”] = True
f = open(sys.argv[1], “w”)
f.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4))
print(“Usage: make_secure_fw.py <apj_file> <key_file>”)