Change Default MAP for


I have the error while running -j4 --map --console :

SRTM Download failed /SRTM/Australia/ on server

. Is there a way to change the parameters, which are downloaded by default? I have also tried to use KSFO parameter, as shown in the -j4 -L KSFO --map --console

, but it also gets stuck at

SRTM Download failed /SRTM/North_America/ on server

Which files do I have to configure so that it downloads successfully or where should I put the .hgt files so that the program uses it?

Thank you

set TERRAIN_ENABLE=0 to disable SRTM terrain fetching

it’s trying to fetch terrain data from the internet. Perhaps you don’t have internet or a firewall is blocking it?

Thank you for the response,

where do I set the TERRAIN_ENABLE? I cannot find that configuration files. Internet is okay, all the libraries and packages were downloaded successfully before this issue.

It’s a parameter. Are you using Mission Planner?

No, I am using MAVProxy and SITL simulator on Linux.

  SRTM Download failed /SRTM/Australia/ on server

What happens if you point a web brower @

It begins to download that zip file.

I had the same issue on my Ubuntu 16 VM.

I believe the issue was with the ownership and permissions for the .tilecache directory, which was located in my Home folder (it’s hidden). The .tilecache directory and its subfolders, belonged to root and did not allow write access. Everything seems to be working after using

sudo chmod -R 775 ~/.tilecache
sudo chown -R user:group ~/.tilecache

I had the same issue on my Ubuntu 16 VM.

Thanks for chiming in!

I believe the issue was with the ownership and permissions for the
.tilecache directory, which was located in my Home folder (it¢s hidden). The
.tilecache directory and its subfolders, belonged to root and did not allow
write access. Everything seems to be working after using

sudo chmod -R 775 ~/.tilecache
sudo chown -R user:group ~/.tilecache

Let this be a warning to everyone - don’t run MAVProxy as root :slight_smile: