Cant get vectored yaw to work for tricopter tiltrotor winged aricraft

Hi. I can not get the vectored yaw to work for a tiltrotor wing aircraft I am building. It is similar in function to the Convergence RC model, but larger. I am using a Cube Orange flight controller and running Ardu Plane Mission planner software. The motors spin up and spin correctly for Pitch and Roll, but I can not get the front tilt motors to tilt in opposite directions for yaw control. Can anybody help me?

In my code I have the following:
Q_ Enable=1
Servo_Function for left front motor=75
Servo_Function for right front motor= 76
Q_TIlt_Max= 45

I can see my transmitter can control YAW in Radio Calibration. I am using Qstabalize mode and the motors are pointed straight up. Thanks for your help.

I am working on a similar setup. Up to now I have the following parameters:

Servo 5 and 6 are tilt servos. It seems they are working perfectly (at least on the ground :grinning:).
In Manual flight-mode they work horizontally, in Qstabilize mode the are tilted to vertical direction and in this mode they move additionally in opposite directions with yaw stick (pretty small angle).
Do your tilt servos move the motors in vertical and horizontal direction?
Do they move with the yaw stick not all or do they not move in opposite direction?
regards, Gerd

Hi Gerd,

I am building a vehicle that has the same setup and functionality as the Convergence RC model. It is a tiltrotor winged tricopter with 2 counter rotating coaxial motors in back and twin counter rotating motors in front. So there is no net torque in the system.

I finally got it to work, but not as expected. To get it to work I had to use QAcro mode and the vehicle has to be armed. Only then do the motors tilt asynchronously aproxately ± 15 deg with rudder control. In Stabilize mode the motors rotate 90 deg and point forward for horizontal flight. In QAcro mode the motors correctly spin up and down to give the vehicle roll and pitch control via the elevator and elevon control on my transmitter. In Stabilize mode the back motor shuts off and the front motors are only controlled with the throttle. Also the rudders and elevons are correctly controlled with the rudder, elevator, and aileron control on my transmitter.

I am not in the lab where the vehicle is now, so I can’t give you more details.


Hi Gerd,

I am observing very strange behavior on my 1/6 scale model which is similar to my full scale vehicle I am buiding. The1/6 scale model has a Pixfalcon flight controller (because it is lighter) and I am running Arduplane V1.37883.26333 on a Win 10 laptop. I am using a Taranis plus X9D transmitter. I have the following parameters:

Q_Enable = 1
Q_Frame_Class = 7
Q_Frame_Type = 1
Q_FWD_Thr_Ch = 9
Q_FWD Thr_Max = 1
Q_Tilt_Max = 70
Q_Tilt_Type = 2
Q_Tilt_Yaw_Angle = 2
Q_Tilt_Mask = 3
Q_Tilt_Rate_Dn = 0
Q_Tilt_Rate_Up = 25
RC9_Option = 209 (Forward Throttle Ch)

Using QAcro mode, I can control the vehicle in vertical flight mode. The rudder controls the asynchronous tilting of the front motors about 15 deg, and the Elevator and Aileron control’s the motor speeds to correctly stabilize and control the vehicle in pitch and roll, and the throttle controls the vertical thrust. A slider switch (Ch9) controls the the synchronous tilting of both front motors 90 deg from vertical to horizontal position.

To switch to horizontal flight mode, I put the vehicle in Manual mode and then switch to Stabilize mode if I want auto pitch and roll autostabalization.

The problem is that the front tilting servos go crazy and go beyond the programmed range unless I sequence the turn on and mode switching correctly. To turn on the system, I have to be in Manual mode (motors pointed forward), then I arm the vehicle, then I switch to QAcro mode (motors point straight up). At this point I have full control of the vehicle in vertical flight mode. To test the vehicle in between the vertical and horizontal flight modes, I move the Ch 9 slider switch to tilt the front motors almost full forward (back motor still running). Then to get full forward flight mode, I switch to Manual mode, which tilts both motors all the way forward and shuts off the back motor. I have to be very careful to switch only between Manual and QAcro mode to get the vehicle to properly transition between horizontal and vertical flight mode. If I accidentally try to switch between QAcro and Stabilize mode, the front motor tilting servos goes crazy, in the wrong direction, and beyond their programmed range, which would crash the vehicle. So the motors tilt well if I go between QAcro and Manual mode. But Stabilize mode has to entered into properly via Manual mode first, or the vehicle will crash. At this point I do not know how to fix this strange system behavior. Do you or anyone else have any ideas?


Hi Gerd,

I have the system working better now. I down loaded the latest Arduplane firmware (v4.0.9) and tried to setup the system up again. It is now behaving well. But again the way it operates is not what I expected:

I use QAcro mode for vertical flight and Stabilize and Manual modes for horizontal flight. Once the vehicle is Armed, with QAcro mode I get the motors to tilt ± 10 deg asynchronously for Yaw, and the motors spin up and down to get Pitch and Roll control. To transition to horizontal flight (motors running), I then enter Stabilize mode and the motors tilt synchronously to about 45 deg (vehicle still in vertical flight mode with all vertical flight mode controls). The motors tilt synchronously forward with increased throttle and synchronously backward with reduced throttle.
Then to complete the transition, I enter Manual mode and front motors transition very quickly to the full horizontal position. At this point I can enter Stabilize mode for full auto stabilization in horizontal mode, or I can transition back to QAcro mode to return to Vertical flight. Note if I go directly from QAcro mode to Manual mode, the motors transition very quickly synchronously to the full horizontal position without pausing at the 45 deg position, which may or not work. I prefer to use Stabalize mode to get the motors to stop at the 45 deg position and then complete the transition with the Manual mode. Also the Stabilize mode via QAcro mode enables me to bring the vehicle up to flying speed with the vertical controls still active, for safety, before I commit to full forward flying mode using Manual mode. But if I reduce throttle in Stabilize mode the motors will move backward towards the vertical position. I still have pitch and roll control but no Yaw control. To get full control of the vehicle in vertical flight mode, I need to transition back to QAcro mode, but immediately increase the throttle or the vehicle will fall out of the sky.

I am using a PixFalcon flight controller and a Taranis Plus X9D transmitter

I am using the following Mission Planner parameters:
Q_Tilt_Max = 45
Q_Tilt_YAW_Angle= 5
