My setting is
- Matek405 wing v2 Frsky
- X8R Sbus
- link Telemetry via Frsky smartport (connect with external inverter)
- Missionplanner
- Radiomaster TX16s (EdgeTX)
With above setup (set serial1 protocol to 4) i able to recived all reproposed Frsky telemetry i think hard ware shold work ok right?
So when i try to set serial1 protocol to 10 to get Passthrough FrSky Telemetry as document say i didnt get any data
any advise i think it just matter of software configuration but i have no idea how, please advise
AFAIK Mission Planner doesn’t support S.Port passthrough Telemetry.
Passthrough telemetry only works with Yaapu’s telemetry script and Lua GCS.
Thanks for your valuable comment, I would like to run Lua Yaapu’s telemetry on my Radiomaster TX16s to show flight data from F405 wing V2
How can I get data from FC to my radio? should I buy a new receiver or something else?
Oh my god, it works now, I didn’t make much difference just did the same set serial 1 protocol to 10 reinstalled the latest Yaapu, and restart. just work
I have no idea how but it work now
possibility is
- All hardware and work ok
- I set Serial 1 protocol to 10 (passthrough telemetry)
- Yaapu script this time I use “OTX-ETX_Color-LCD_ver_2.0.0_beta3”
Releases · yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript · GitHub
- I use the file in folder “c480x272”
- there’s one file named “hash_generator.lua” I think last time I copied from another source to the radio
this time I copied “hash_generator.lua” this original is located in OTX_ETX/tools to my SD card
- restart everything then work ok
in addition
- after everything worked, I then observed the telemetry list of my radiometer TX16s I didn’t see any
passthrough telemetry present here (but yaapu still works well)
- so means no passthrough telemetry item in radiomaster doesn’t mean yaapu didn’t work it does not relate