I am using the latest Mission planner 1.3.82 and trying to setup two camera switching on SpeedyBee F405 wing Mini.
Speedybee documentation like Matek list following setup:
You can just type in the GPIO number you need without selecting it from the list - that list is not complete.
For the Speedybee F405 Wing GPIO pin 81 will be the VTX Power control, probably not directly avaliable to you but it turns on and off the 9v supply to a VTX
VTX power control GPIO 81 controls the VTX BEC output to pins marked "9V". Setting this GPIO high removes voltage supply to pins.
If you look in the hardware definition it lists the PWM output pins and their GPIO pin:
If you have the Speedybee F405 Mini the main PWM pins have the same GPIO numbers, but there is no VTX power control or GPIO 81.
You’ll be able to find it’s hwdef from the link above, it’s nearby.
I am trying to setup two cameras and want to switch between the two on the speedybee f405-wing-mini (not to be confused by f405_mini).
Do you know how to setup a relay switch to switch between two cameras?
There’s no standard/documented method as far as I know. You’d need an RC channel to choose the camera, and a GPIO/relay pin to operate an actual relay or similar. You might be able to just switch the video signal, and power both cameras at once.
If you need to save a fraction of power you can use a douple pole double throw relay and switch over the power as well as the video signal.
Worth a shot but I think it’s hardware dependent and when he uses the pin number Speedybee states in their manual for camera switching he says it produces an error. Nothing in the Ardupilot board specific docs about it. In fact the hwdef says pin 81 is for vtx power not camera switching. Pin 55 is chan 6 and 105 is undefined.
That feature is not yet implemented. A simple relay could alternate power between two VTX modules, but there is nothing in the AP codebase to take full advantage of that feature on pin 81 so far as I know, and attempting to use it will likely produce errors.
Actually I take back part of what I said. Pin 81 is set up as a simple GPIO and should be able to provide power to the VTX output when switched high. But I don’t know how that could be used to switch between dual transmitters by itself.