Base time is 5 secs we are losing for about 20 but regaining after and would like to keep our GCS failsafe. Is there any parameters to change this time?
April 15, 2021, 1:46pm
Current beta firmware 4.1.0 supports .
ArduPilot Copter Release Notes:
Copter 4.1.0-beta1 14-Apr-2021
Changes from 4.0.7
1) EKF changes:
a) EKF3 is default estimator (EKF2 is available as an option)
b) External AHRS/IMU support (e.g. VectorNav)
c) Gaussian Sum Filter (GSF) allows emergency yaw correction using GPS
d) GPS-for-yaw (dual F9 UBlox, Septentrio, NMEA GPS can provide yaw)
e) Lane switching logic improvements
f) Sensor affinity (improves sensor failure redundancy)
g) Source switching for GPS/Non-GPS transitions (see EK3_SRCx_ parameters)
h) Yaw estimation and reliability improvements
i) Wind speed estimation and barometer interference compensation
2) Control and Navigation improvements:
a) Acro "air mode" support (see ACRO_OPTIONS)
b) Auto mode arming and takeoff (see AUTO_OPTIONS)
c) Circle options to face direction of travel and/or init at circle center (see CIRCLE_OPTIONS)
d) DO_LAND_START command support for landing sequences
e) Horizontal Velocity controller gets feed forward and logging
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