I am trying to compile with waf through Eclipse. I have set up as per the instructions:
What is really odd as I am trying to compile for fmuv3 (Pixhawk/Cube) and waf seems to be creating binaries for the Omnibus F4V6. I am running the config for fmuv3 and then plane – see my screen shot.
But here is what is compiled – not for Pix Cube! See the Eclipse console:
20:41:15 **** Build of configuration Default for project ardupilot ****
“c:\cygwin64\bin\python2.7” waf plane
Waf: Entering directory `/home/marc/Ardupilot/build/omnibusf4v6’
What am I doing wrong here? I have no issue compiling to the correct folder in a Cygwin64 Terminal session, so what is wrong. Any pointers greatly appreciated.